We’re running a special giveaway for all the writers out there!

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  • New KYD reads (commentary, essays, memoir, reviews, and interviews),
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Sign up before 11.59pm (AEDT) 16 November to go in the draw to win a special Milligram* gift pack valued at over $200 with loads of writerly essentials:

Moleskine notebook with pen

Every writer needs a sturdy, trusty notebook to capture your thoughts, ideas and observations.

5 minute hourglass 

Perfect for timing writing exercises in KYD online writing courses!

Teapot & English Breakfast tea set

Writer’s block? Stop. Tea. Reset.

Monthly desk pad

To keep track of your writing deadlines and current awards, competitions and literary events!

Botanical scented candle

To complete your perfect writing space


*This giveaway is not sponsored by Milligram.