KYD brings you a selection of links and miscellanea that have amused, enlightened and generally distracted us this week. If you’ve got amusing links we need to see, tweet them to us at @kyd_magazine!
Is beauty really in the eye of the beholder? The late Denis Dutton, philosophy professor and editor, thinks not. In this classic TED talk, he posited that our perception of beauty is actually a product of evolution.
The world’s largest dinosaur footprint has just been discovered in WA’s Dampier Peninsula, dubbed ‘Australia’s Jurassic Park’ for its amazing prehistoric diversity. Meanwhile, in news you didn’t know you needed – a new discovery suggests the Tyrannosaurus Rex was a sensitive lover.
‘I wanted to help them. I wanted to help people do what they so obviously needed to do: love wholeheartedly, with reckless abandon.’ In ‘Modern Love’, Amy Sutherland gets to the heart of the matter, one paw at a time.
A very creative mum has designed the ultimate learning tool for her kids: ‘I just felt like A is for apple, and B is for banana was a bit boring.’ Behold, the Aussie Legends Alphabet.
You know what they say: when one door closes, another door opens. Entries to KYD’s inaugural Unpublished Manuscript Award close today, but if you’ve missed that window, The Richell Prize for Emerging Writers opened this week and you have until July to enter.