Claire is good at beginnings. Mid-twenties and mid-PhD, she’s moved halfway around the world to San Francisco – where the line between adolescence and adulthood is blurry, and every night feels new. Too smart to be serious, she divides her time between her friends, her band, her ex-boyfriend, potential new boyfriends, whiskies with beer backs, and occasionally her thesis.
And then, by accident, life starts to get messy.
At the Kill Your Darlings First Book Club event in May, the lovely Abigail Ulman will be discussing her stunning debut short story collection, Hot Little Hands.
Abigail will be in conversation with KYD’s Online Editor Veronica Sullivan, followed by audience Q&A and book signing. You can enjoy the First Book Club even if you haven’t yet read the book – but you’ll definitely want to afterwards!
The First Book Club is free, but please RSVP to [email protected] to confirm your place. Drinks provided.
Kill Your Darlings First Book Club: Hot Little Hands
Thursday 28 May
6.30 for 7pm
Readings Books Carlton
309 Lygon Street
Carlton 3053