Killings brings you our weekly selection of posts that have amused, enlightened and
generally distracted us.
Hello again, The Great Gatsby game, welcome back to my life. This is why bookmarks were invented. (Make sure you read the ‘about’ gold!)
The ABC of Architects video is educational, pretty and sweet – the best combination.
Take a tour through history via the pages of various YA books via Atlantic Wire. Potential for a themed dress up bookclub here, friends!
For fellow TV nuts out there, some silly fun:
- animals that can play Homeland characters
- NY Magazine have put together fictional text conversations between Ray and Shoshanna from Girls (must have watched the first episode of season 2!)
- First look at Community Season Four is floating around – get at it.
A post titled ‘This Shows Why Dating in the 1980s Was Terrible’ – as if you’re not going to click that.
Get down to some old tunes with Soul Sides here – it’s a very good mix. Or bop to some tunes from local lads Francolin.
Rather than just some tunes, how about some podcast recommendations for your aural pleasure?
- ‘Lexicon Valley’ – part of the fabulous Slate family – is a wonder for wordsmiths and the linguistically inclined.
- Melbourne comedians Tommy Dassalo and Karl Chandler talk with other funny people on their funny podcast ‘The Little Dum Dum Club’ that’s about funny things. It’s very good for a chuckle.
- Can’t go wrong with Dan Savage and his ‘Savage Love’ podcast, which covers practically everything sex related (Dolly Doctor has nothing on this stuff).
- ‘The Moth’ sees people read their varied, real-life stories before a live audience. These short snippets will make you laugh and break your heart all at once.
Happy weekend everyone!