Killings brings you our weekly selection of posts that have amused, enlightened and
generally distracted us.

This week I’ve been enjoying having a laugh at some terrible drawings of British actors.

Favourite tumblr of the last 7 days is Die Popular for the hilarious, irreverent and poignant drawings – special mention to the ‘Classic Dad Jokes’.

Miuccia Prada has unveiled sketches of costumes for The Great Gatsby. Fashion! Drool! And sparkle with ‘A History of Sequins’.

And finishing off the sketching theme, have a gander at some of Andy Warhol’s early drawings.

Time Out give our upcoming writers workshops a shout out on their ‘Top Ten Writers Resources in Melbourne’. Hola!

Board Games? Yes. Books? Yes. Book board games? Big yes.

Relive Bill Murray’s 1983 satirical anti-technology rant. Bill Murray? Of course you’ll click that.

An awesome space video featuring footage from the international space station.

Some strange listening over at major scaled.

The Millions compile a reading list to complement your Girls viewing experience.

Pop Matters give you a hopeful mixtape for the music year ahead.

Enjoy your long weekend.