Do you know which South African Nobel Prize winner is now an Australian citizen? Could you pick the original title of The Great Gatsby out of a line-up? Can you name the last three Miles Franklin Award winners?

Put this and other useless information to good use at the Kill Your Darlings literary trivia night, a fundraiser for Australia’s next literary magazine. For just $15, you can enjoy a great night out with other bookish types, win prizes and feel warm and fuzzy about yourself for doing a good deed. How could you resist?

Prizes include Readings vouchers, chocolate, wine and – of course – books.

When: 6 for 6:30pm, Thursday 24 September
Where: The Pumphouse Hotel, 128 Nicholson St, Fitzroy
How much: $15 at the door
Food and drinks: available at the bar

Bookings: email [email protected] with ‘KYD Literary Trivia Night’ in the subject header, and your name and the number of people coming in the body of the email.

Please only book if you think you will be coming, and let us know if you’ve booked and have to drop out for any reason.

Hope to see you there!