Desire Under Capitalism
The Birth of Amplify Bookstore
Where’s the Proof?
Debut Spotlight: Erin Riley on A Real Piece of Work
Debut Spotlight: Kirsty Jagger on Roseghetto
Getting Cosy at the End of the World
Debut Spotlight: Aisling Smith on After the Rain
Love and War in The World and All That It Holds
Weird is In
Books v. Everything
Debut Spotlight: Nina Wan on The Albatross
Debut Spotlight: Rijn Collins on Fed to Red Birds
New Critic: Disconnection and Dislocation in Once a Stranger
Debut Spotlight: Smashing Serendipity by Louise K. Hansen
Pub Talk: Catriona Menzies-Pike on What Makes a Great Critic
Debut Spotlight: Nikki Mottram on Crows Nest
Polyphony and the Internet Novel
First Book Club: Amy Thunig on Tell Me Again
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