Kill Your Darlings is delighted to announce that submissions for our inaugural collection of new short stories, New Australian Fiction, are now open. The print anthology will be published in October 2019.

KYD has always published strong, challenging stories in the magazine,’ Rebecca Starford, KYD publishing director and series editor, says. ‘We’re all really excited to be collating an entire book of new fiction for our readers and discovering a whole range of new talent […] In the spirit of our publishing program, we hope to showcase a range of stories from writers with distinct voices, styles and experiences from all corners of Australia.’

Kill Your Darlings celebrates its tenth year in 2019. Previous fiction contributors include Josephine Wilson, Chris Womersely, Toni Jordan, Michael Sala, Omar Musa, Jennifer Down and Krissy Kneen.

Submissions for New Australian Fiction close 11:59pm AEDT, Thursday 31 January 2019. All contributors to KYD are paid.

For more information on how to submit, please visit KYD’s Submittable page.