KYD brings you a selection of links and miscellanea that have amused, enlightened and generally distracted us this week. If you’ve got amusing links we need to see, tweet them to us at @kyd_magazine!
Brisbane bookshop Avid Reader’s Facebook page became an unlikely battleground when anti-feminists left one star reviews and angry comments in response the Avid’s excitement about Clementine Ford’s next book. Fans of Ford, Avid Reader and the broader Australian literary community fought back with great zeal.
At Overland, Eloise Ross reviews Mike Mill’s 20th Century Women in the context of recent cinematic and televisual successes – including Wonder Woman and The Handmaid’s Tale – which feature women in lead roles.
Twenty years after the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Dwyer Murphy considers one of the stranger legacies of the series: the rise of professional Quidditch.
Melbourne’s street artists have found a new canvas for their artistic expression, enlivening new security bollards with ‘boll-art’.
Finally, this tiny sea otter pup recently rescued by Vancouver Aquarium has proved a mighty distraction: