Did you miss our two fantastic recent events at the Digital Writers’ Festival? Never fear, now you can rewatch and relive them in all their glory.

Kill Your Darlings Highbrow vs Lowbrow: Round 2

#dwf15: Kill Your Darlings Highbrow vs Lowbrow: Round 2

We challenged six of our favourite writers to a cultural showdown, tasking them with defending their passion for culture, whether posh or trashtacular, in a heated debate. Artists in this event included: Angela Meyer, Lisa Dempster, Dan Golding, Katie Williams, Annabel Brady-Brown, and Sian Campbell; hosted by Veronica Sullivan.

Kill Your Darlings First Book Club: Ellen van Neerven’s Heat and Light

#dwf15: Kill Your Darlings First Book Club: Ellen van Neerven’s Heat and Light

In this special online instalment of our First Book Club event series, KYD‘s Veronica Sullivan interviewed author Ellen van Neerven, author of Heat and Light. Ellen discussed her writing process, the inspiration behind her stunning stories, and her path to publication.
