It’s big, it’s bold, it’s bookish and it’s ba-ack, darlings!
Come and celebrate the launch of Kill Your Darlings Issue 20, by glaring across the room at your fellow book nerds and loudly whispering ‘YESSS’ every time you get an answer right.
Prizes include a veritable bounty of alcohol, delicious gourmet nibblies, film tickets, artsy vouchers, and mountains of brilliant new books, plus raffle and spot prizes. Rest assured, the victors will be rewarded handsomely for their literary prowess.
Bookings are essential, as our trivia nights ALWAYS book out. Small bookings are welcome, we can match you up with a super-friendly team.
Date: Thursday 19 February
Time: 6 for 6:30pm
Place: The Pumphouse Hotel, 128 Nicholson St, Fitzroy
Cost: $15 at the door, or $25 with the new issue
Food and drinks available from the bar
For all group/individual bookings and enquiries email [email protected]
Crack out that collected works of Shakespeare and start memorising! See you there.