The 2014 Emerging Writers’ Festival runs from 27 May to 6 June. The Kill Your Darlings team will be popping up all over the place during the festival, appearing at panels, events and workshops. You can also catch many of our brilliant 2014 Killings columnists discussing their work. With a massive line-up of artists and events, the tricky part is working out how to see as much as possible. With just under a fortnight left until the festival kicks off, here are the best places to find KYD during EWF.
Kill Your Darlings: Highbrow vs Lowbrow
If you only catch one event at the Emerging Writers’ Festival, make it this one. Join the KYD team to celebrate the books, TV shows and music we love, binge on and obsess over. Our favourite writers will defend their passion for culture, whether it be posh or trashtacular in nature. With trivia and prizes.
Wednesday 28 May, 9pm – late
Thousand Pound Bend
361 Little Lonsdale St
Hannah Kent, Publishing Director:
Hannah is one of five EWF Festival Ambassadors, and will be at the two-day Writers’ Conference 31 May – 1 June. She’ll also appear at the special event The 5 x 5 Rules of Writing, sharing the advice she wishes she’d had when she was starting out.
Rebecca Starford, Publishing Director:
Rebecca will share the joys, successes and inspiration that come from being part of a Real Live Writers’ Group.
Brigid Mullane, Editor:
Young aspiring writers can catch Brigid at the Signal Writing Intensive for Under 25s, a day of workshops aimed at writers at the very beginning of their career.
Emily Laidlaw, Online Editor:
Emily will be on the Digital Directions panel at the Emerging Editors industry day, discussing the particularities and demands of editing for online publication along with representatives from The Thousands and Junkee.
Bethanie Blanchard, Interviews Editor:
Beth will lead a discussion of the working relationship between Foreign Soil author Maxine Beneba Clarke and her editor at Hachette Australia, Robert Watkins, in When Writer Met Editor as part of the Writers’ Conference.
Carody Culver, Books Columnist:
Carody will be appearing at Emerging Editors, on the panel Going the Distance: Book Editing and Building a Career.
Julia Tulloh Harper, Pop Culture Columnist:
As per usual, Julia will be defending the merits and pleasures of pop culture on the Pop Topics panel, as part of the Writers’ Conference.
Connor Tomas O’Brien, Technology Columnist:
Connor hosts the day-long Digital Writers’ Masterclass, exploring the brave new world of writing and technology from all angles.
Chad Parkhill, Music Columnist:
Chad will appear at The Lifted Brow’s Mixtape Memoirs event, sharing a memoir inspired by the soundtrack to his teenage romance.
Rochelle Siemienowicz, Film Columnist:
Rochelle will be spruiking the joys of the film reviewer’s life at From Screen to Screen as part of the Screenwriting Masterclass. She’ll also share her experiences as a member of The Real Live Writers’ Group, along with Rebecca Starford.
Stephanie Van Schilt, TV Columnist:
Steph will be part of the panel for Live in the Studio: Exploring the ABC, defending the national broadcaster’s appeal and relevance from its inception to the present day.
Guy Shield, Cover Artist:
If readers want to judge Kill Your Darlings by our cover, that’s fine with us – thanks to the work of the inordinately talented Guy Shield. Guy will share his tips for book cover design at The Look of the Book.
See you at the festival!