Killings brings you our weekly selection of posts that have amused, enlightened and generally distracted us.
Advertisements for menstrual products are getting so darn sassy. This one, starring a delightful young girl, is the best thing I have seen since that tampon versus Mooncup rap battle.
Some awful person is making a lot of money with a new app that allows you to save Snapchats. Anthony Weiner is going to be freaking out.
This article examines the women characters in Tim Winton’s stories and senses a fair bit of the ol’ misogyny chestnut.
Enjoy that? Yeah, well you got 25 new emails since you last checked three minutes ago. Email is probably destroying all our lives.
The Manic Pixie Dream Girl has died, apparently. We shall sprinkle buttons over her grave and dance in the rain to The Smiths all day.
If you would like to be unnerved by a fleshy geometric head in the name of art, click here.
Those womenfolk, what can’t they do? They sure can write science fiction books.
I’ve never been into The Catcher in the Rye, but I can get into it when Sparkly Sweets PhD breaks it down for me on Thug Notes.
Breaking Bad’s Bryan Cranston/Walter White recites Percy Bysshe Shelley’s ‘Ozymandias’ and it is hardcore.
To get your weekend off to a sensible start, this video serves as a refreshing and hilarious reminder (with fruit!) on the differences between porn sex and real sex.
Happy Friday!