Killings brings you our weekly selection of posts that have amused, enlightened and generally distracted us

SharknadoSharknado has already got a sequel in the works. If there is a supreme deity, we now know what it wants.

This is a list of fictional cats in literature. You will find a use for this.

Satanists claim to have made a dead Westboro Baptist Church member gay. In the afterlife. Or something. Yeah, listen, I don’t know either.

With books come book covers. You may have noticed this! Over time, book covers change. What does it all mean?

Sometimes it’s hard to come up with scathing insults all on your own. Here are some good ones (from books!) to file away, just in case.

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, for Jay-Z’s hyphen has died.

This is an amazing Tumblr devoted entirely to nerdy nail art.

It’s an art attack! A book-art attack!

For those of us in Melbourne town, the Gertrude Street Projection Festival begins tonight. Get out there and see all those pretty lights.

Also in Melbs, the Melbourne Writers Festival program has launched. Check out all the exciting literary things — you will spot many KYD contributors!