Killings brings you our weekly selection of posts that have amused, enlightened and generally distracted us.

Apparently the Ashes are happening. But, you know, I don’t like cricketThis, to me, makes much more sense.

Sharknado will be the greatest film of our age. ‘We can’t just wait here and wait for sharks to rain down on us.’ He’s right, damn it, WE CAN’T.

vogue dinoDinosaurs have long been underrepresented in the media, so Vogue UK decided to do something about this blight on the industry.

Star Wars has been rewritten as a Shakespearean story because kids love it when you destroy everything they ever held dear to make it more educational.

Guillermo del Toro wants Charlie Kaufman to adapt Slaughterhouse-Five for the screen. Yeah, okay, sure. Do whatever, Hollywood. I don’t even care anymore!

This is a compilation of very talented (shirtless) gentlemen twerking.

Julianne Moore and Jeff Bridges are in this adaptation of The Spook’s Apprentice by Joseph Delaney.

This Roomba has become self-aware and is not hell bent on destroying all of humanity, instead it has taken to Twitter. I’m pledging allegiance to the Roombas now, though, just in case.

The original Sailor Moon series was apparently massively queer and awesome.

Ryan Gosling wrote a thing in a newspaper about animal rights. Go to him!

Happy Friday x