Killings brings you our weekly selection of posts that have amused, enlightened and
generally distracted us.

Hello one and all! Welcome to our last A&D post for the year…

You wanna see some amazing pictures of President Obama? Of course you do (watch while listening to The West Wing theme for full effect).

Ex-KYD kid Estelle Tang talked up the merits of Ryan Gosling worship earlier this year. It really has been a good one for The Gos, as Buzzfeed testify. Hey boy, bring on 2013!

Here’s an interesting read on women’s hair removal during the renaissance (while we’re on the topic, Ben Law tackled hairless man tackle in our latest issue).

News just in from the Archeological Institute of America: the world’s oldest bra?

Flip your hat backwards, don a beanie and don’t forget your overalls – it’s an Alex Mack retrospective!

’tis the season to get your list on:

Hope y’all have a great break – eat, drink and be merry!