Killings brings you our weekly selection of posts that have amused, enlightened and generally distracted us.
The Melbourne Prize for Literature was awarded this week.
Call that a music blog? This is a music blog. NPR’s All Songs Considered lives up to its name.
If you were under a rock, in the middle of a rainforest or just woke up from a two year coma, here’s Barack Obama’s acceptance speech for you.
Be hypnotised by animated GIFs based on movie classics.
Awkward Family Photos; it’s like wrapping yourself in a warm, creepy blanket.
It’s hard not be inspired by some of the world’s most brilliant people just … hanging out.
Finally, some tunes to take out your working week:
- Three MCs + One DJ = one dance-worthy track.
- Let’s continue with that theme. Here’s Azealia Banks.
- Thanks South Africa, these guys are rad.
- And now for something completely different.