Killings brings you our weekly selection of posts that have amused, enlightened and
generally distracted us.

What better way to start your Friday than with four minutes of twelve-year-old Canadian
Mouseketeer Ryan Gosling?

It’s almost Halloween. Enter 23 wildly inappropriate pumpkins.

Why you shouldn’t label someone’s encounter with cancer a ‘battle’.

Impress your old English teacher with this list of the 100 Most
Beautiful Words in the English Language

And while we’re talking beauty, add a muse to your Friday.

Find out why The New Yorker endorses Barack Obama.

Take a mini art appreciation course with A Series of Small Things.

Sick of the Patriarchal pen market? You should be! Check out these lol-worthy Bic Cristal user reviews.

You need Incredibox. No really, you need it.

Cap off your Friday with a few musical numbers: