Killings brings you our weekly selection of posts that have amused, enlightened and generally distracted us.

Let’s start with something pretty – Brainpickings takes a look at the history of graphic design.

And this site, Re:collection, takes a look at Australia’s graphic design history. Say goodbye to your afternoon.

Hungry? Chow down on some edible idioms.

Inspired by the brilliant Holy Motors, Portable lists 10 Best films that take place over a 24 hour period.

Are you an adult who craves teen fiction? Have a read of this.

Awesome people hanging out together is one of the best tumblrs for a dose of cool. Flavorwire take this idea to the literary extreme with ten awesome photos of cool writers hanging out together.

Afternoon tunes:

Started with pretty, let’s end with a funny little thing. Click this, then click that, then jumpjumpjump into the weekend!