Killings brings you our weekly selection of posts that have amused, enlightened and generally distracted us.

Everybody look at my pants!  Read a ‘surprisingly deep history of trouser technology’ over at The Atlantic.

There is something very calming about watching someone read. Here is a slightly voyeuristic but incredibly soothing blog dedicated to images of NYC subway readers.

Top 50 film composers of all time over at Portable. And this is only part one…of five!

Dreamy Bethanie Blanchard takes a look at – a new literary site in the vein of film site Rotten Tomatoes.

Bright eyes, bright minds, bright colours – some wonderfully inspiring pictures of a restored Parisian school that breathes happiness and exudes imagination.

Last week we had literary characters who could have received a different name – how about TV characters played by a different actor?

How did writing begin? It’s a very good question.

If you haven’t had a look already, the Melbourne Writers Festival 2012 Program is out.  It’s going to be BIG!

Complementing our very own KYD YA Championship announcement  this week, Flavorpill list their 10 Greatest YA Series of All Time and one of our contributors Judith Ridge has a short post on KYDYAC over at her blog.

Stay tuned because there will be plenty more where that came from! Enjoy your weekend.