Killings brings you our weekly selection of posts that have amused, enlightened and generally distracted us.
Writers gone wild: Great authors paint serious pictures and serious authors caught in sillypictures.
Speaking of great, serious and silly – if you happened to miss fake Tilda Swinton on twitter, Portable have put together some of the best tweets. Enjoy Tildren, enjoy.
While we’re on actors: James Franco has written a piece for The Big Issue fiction edition. Should be great – make sure to grab a copy in August!
Eurovision has managed to conjure much discussion around irony and ‘so-bad-its-good’ attitudes this week. Here are two discussions around this, from The Guardian and local writer Byron Bache.
Prince’s Australian tour concluded this week, but not before a special few enjoyed a secret show at Bennetts Lane Jazz Club. If you can restrain your jealousy, here is a review of the intimate affair.
When cakes and TV collide – when two such delicious things become one, how can you go wrong!
We use and encounter acronyms on a daily basis, but do you know what they all mean? This article explains quite a few, with handy pictures.
In case you were wondering, here at the 50 best iPhone apps according to Time.
Because the news this week has been filled with scary zombie apocalypse rumours, lets end this week on a light note: before the brainsss epidemic sweeps, here are 32 pictures you have to see before the world ends (yes, most are of cute animals).
Enjoy your weekend.