The Kill Your Darlings trivia night is making its triumphant return for 2012. It’s a fabulous opportunity to mingle with – and challenge! – literary-minded folk, as well as meet the KYD team. Plus, we’ll be celebrating the launch of KYD No. 9.
Loads of prizes, as usual, and the opportunity to use your immense brain for glory! Please come along – we’d love to see you!
Bookings recommended, as our trivia nights always sell out.
When: 6 for 6:30pm, Thursday 19 April
Where: The Pumphouse Hotel, 128 Nicholson St, Fitzroy
How much: $15 at the door or $25 with the new issue
Food and drinks: available at the bar
You can purchase tickets directly here, or for all group/individual bookings and enquiries email [email protected].