To celebrate the release of Issue Seven (available at our stockists and website now!), we’re sharing three pieces from the new issue with you.
First is Ben Eltham’s ‘Clouds of Rhetoric: Climate Change and the State of Australian Journalism’ which examines the carbon-tax debate, News Limited and the future of quality Australian journalism. Next, Ben Pobjie casts a satirical eye over Australia’s first female prime minister in ‘Julia Gillard: Why She’s So Easy to Hate.’ Finally, in ‘Boys in Skirts: Andrej Pejic and Androgyny’ Rebecca Howden investigates the rise to fame of Andrej Pejic — the androgynous boy from Broadmeadows who set the fashion world abuzz.
Issue Seven is now available at our stockists and direct from our website. You can also subscribe to Kill Your Darlings here.