It’s time to prepare for another Kill Your Darlings Culture Club podcast. No, you haven’t accidentally stumbled into the eighties: the Kill Your Darlings Culture Club podcast is where we get together with some of our favourite people to discuss a cultural item, be it a book, play or a film.

On 14 November, I’ll be discussing Miguel de Cervantes’ classic, Don Quixote, with Text Publishing’s Caro Cooper and The Lifted Brow’s Ronnie Scott. It’s the novel we can thank for giving us the word ‘quixotic’, and Don Quixote is one of literature’s greatest characters: deluded, faithful and mad.

It’s also 950 pages long, so we’re giving you a bit of time to read along. If you’ve always wanted a reason to read Don Quixote, now’s your chance (but I would advise you to get started immediately).

Thanks to Vintage, we have a copy of Don Quixote to give away. To go into the running, simply leave a comment on this blog post or check out our Twitter or Facebook pages.