If you’ve been organised, you’ll be about halfway through F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Beautiful and Damned, in preparation for the first Kill Your Darlings Culture Club podcast. The Culture Club podcast is just like a book club, only you can participate wherever you are – on the tram, in the street or even, ahem, at work.

But this isn’t like your regular book club, with dubious attendees whose spurious opinions only make you grind your teeth in anger and reach for the pinot a bit too often. Discussing Fitzgerald’s second novel with me will be writer of many stripes Anna Krien, whose wonderful investigative work Into the Woods was released this year, and Lorelei Vashti, whose writing you might recognise from The Age, The Vine, Defamer…and the entire internet.

Now that I’ve revealed who  your illustrious reading companions will be, you’ve got no excuse not to join in. Cram in another book before Christmas – it’s good for you.